Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Road Trip-Day 4: Friday, July 20th

After staying in Chicago, we had a couple of stops that Jess had planned out. First stop was America's leaning tower of Pisa, yes we have one! It was kind of ridiculous that 30 min outside of Chicago this was just built in some town. Our next stop took us through lots and lots of farmland in Illinois and Iowa. Driving and driving and more driving... exciting stuff, but I actually preferred the backroads because it wasn't just highway. We made some stops, out in the middle of nowhere and then we reached our destination...The Field of Dreams!!! It was awesome to be there, it still looks just like the movie. It was a great stop, esp for all you baseball fans out there. We walked through the corn and sat in the fields. We didn't stay too long because we had to make it to Lincoln, NE by that night. So it took a long time, but we finally made it to Lincoln, late at like 10:00, and stayed in the one hotel we booked for the entire trip, the Cornhusker Marriott, I kid you not. Bryan, Jess' brother who is in a hard rock band, noticed that some of his friends, another band he had played with were in town. So even though we were tired and could have fallen right to sleep, instead we went to a hard rock concert and Jess and I quickly realized that we, even not being dressed up were definitely completely out of place! I normally hate hard rock, but it was a blast! So I listened to music I never do, tried to pull off the look, so how do you think we did!?

1 comment:

Alissandra said...

Phil Alden Robinson `71... Field of Dreams... He's coming to Homecoming this year for the Writer's Series!! I think this is a sign that you should come back for it!! ;-)

Hope all is well. :)
